Managing Risk for Your Greater Reward:
Ending The Investment Roller-coaster

You’ve worked hard to build your wealth. You’ve invested in the stock market most of your life. You have first-hand experience in the emotional ups and downs of the market which can sometimes feel like a roller-coaster, but you’ve trusted that overall, your money will grow.

Now, you’re nearing retirement and you know you need to get off the roller-coaster, but you aren’t sure which first steps to take. You know you can’t risk as much as you have in the past because you might not be able to earn it back. You need to hold on to the wealth you’ve created over your life time to leave enough for retirement and a legacy for your family.

To download our free eBook, fill out the form below!

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Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Consider the Tortoise and the Hare as they prepare to compete. The Tortoise is not intimidated by the challenge before him because he is confident in his strategy and knows that ultimately patience and perseverance will achieve massive success if a disciplined approach is maintained.


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Three Dimensional Investments

Over the last twenty years, additional dimensions have become available to achieve superior investment performance. Yet the vast majority of investors are unaware of these beneficial solutions for a number of reasons we will explore.


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Alternative Investments

Historically, both retail investors and professional money managers alike view the investment universe to be comprised of stocks and bonds. Over the course of the past few decades, a third asset class has emerged as a material component to this universe: Alternative Investments.


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Hidden Fees

A February 2017 study  indicates that nearly half of American investors either aren’t sure what fees they pay or believe (incorrectly) that the investment advice is free.


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Stocks Vs. Bonds

In the world of finance and investing, the terms “equity”, “debt”, “stocks”, and “bonds” are essential terms. Thus, it is critical to understand what they mean and how they relate to each other. 


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Asset Allocation

Asset allocation is the process of dividing one’s resources among many different choices. In terms of investments, “assets” refers to investible cash, and “choices” refers to investments that are available to purchase.


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Financial Secrets of Life Insurance

Using various life insurance structures can give an individual the ability to “Be their Own Banker”. This opportunity is accomplished through the “Living Benefit” features that whole and universal life policies can provide, when structured and funded properly. 


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